Le Livre d'Argent

The TODO List

@davidrevoy Tiens, d'ailleurs, est-ce qu'il va y avoir une suite à la #ComicsBattle ? Sauf erreur de ma part, c'est @gee qui avait dessiné le dernier épisode, donc ce serait plutôt ton tour, mais j'ai pu louper quelque chose.

(Surtout ne vous mettez pas la pression, prenez votre temps et tout, mais c'était particulièrement cool, donc je demande pour savoir !)

@elzen Coucou, pas de soucis et oui, c'est gentil de s'en souvenir, la balle est belle et bien dans mon camps pour la suite 😉 Ca fait justement parti de mes TO-DO; C'est (doucement) en cours.


@davidrevoy Maybe a kanban board wouldn't fare so badly. 🙂

@davidrevoy J'ai ça. Mais avec une seule petite chose dans ma liste 😟

@davidrevoy your artwork is fire! 🥰

@MartinShadok 😉 Courage! 👍

@davidrevoy well, she at least had a plan.

My TODO list:
* Find all the forgotten TODO lists lost in the middle of tons of draft paper
* Give up all the items
* Make a new updated TODO list
* Forget to look at it
* Start again later

hates her, discover why

@tykayn Ok, +1 item on my list 😂
- [ ] Read about Orgmode

hehe, so did you read about how to in one year ? XD

I personnally did a lot and practiced enough for it to be a big game changer in my working and personal way to achieve things, find stuff, and sort my ideas


Sure be that way at times.

@tykayn bloblurk Ooops, it was tem 462 on my TODO, went to rank 987 in one year. 😆

Yes, I went to read quickly the website/doc/a ytb tutorial; but I can't wrap my brain around editor like Emacs.

My best TODO are on paper, on a A5 pad with 5mm grid; it's persistent, always on my desk, and I can't reduce or hide the file and pretend it doesn't exists. That works for me, I can color, draw on it, strike full line with passion when something is done, and collect them as diary. 😅

@davidrevoy ho excellent... Est-ce qu'elle existe en français pour que je l'affiche au bureau ?

@davidrevoy yup, thats the most important, having a tool that works and that you really use daily.
some common problem with emacs is that it is really ugly by default and you have to change things to have it being used with regular shortcuts to copy and paste. I plan to publish something so that people do not have to learn so much things to use it as a task manager (i tried a lot of them, and still use paper for many things, something like for 30 years), with a beautiful interface just by launching a script or downloading an archive. But it is not yet done. That is a time investment which is worth it, just like migrating from adobe softwares to libre software. plain text is still alive after decades and changing computers.

i am still trying to use something libre in replacement of indesign to make fanzines, but is really hard. If you have tips around it i would love to share them :)

@percherie Merci ! Alors non malheuresement, les minis strips pour les médias sociaux sont directement fait en anglais . Mais la source est là: https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/viewer/misc-src__2022-01-14_Strip-Comic_The-TODO-List_by-David-Revoy.html , et la font est là https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/fonts/-/blob/master/Latin/Lavi.ttf , ça demande donc un peu de bricolage sous Krita, mais faisable.

@percherie Mmm, je viens de penser pour le titre sur le tableau, ça risque d'être plus difficile. C'est presque fait main avec un pinceau pour dégrader une typo mise en perspective 😅 Du coup, difficilement faisable. Désolé.

@tykayn Oh good for a user-friendly approach. 👍

About your fan-zine; except Scribus, I see only Libre Office Draw and recently Inkscape having text boxes, PDF export and multipages. Sometime, its enough for a small booklet to share on the web.

But Scribus will be the only one to have a complete CMYK workflow and will have more option for fonts and text (eg. chaining texts boxes together, making vector shapes and filling them with text, etc).

@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org blobcatlul thats why i don't really do todo lists for new year anymore. it gets too expensive to buy a new blackboard every year

@puniko 😆 👍

@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org todo:
destroy chalkboard

@davidrevoy je pensai surtout au dialogue, pour le tableau ça aurait été un plus mais ce n'est pas très important